

(1)Dictionary of National Biography Henry Spencer Palmer 1838-1893Oxford University Press
(2) 1893-2-18The Late Major General Palmer, R.E.The Japan Weekly Mail
(3)Monthly Notice of The Royal Astronomical Society1894-2-9Major General Henry Spencer Palmer R.E. 
(4)The Royal Engineers Journal1893-5-1Obituary Notice - Henry Spencer Palmer R.E. 
(5)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-2-11The Notice of Palmer's Death 
(6)Reference Dictionary of Greek/Latin  Iwanami Publishing Co.


(1)(2)(3)(4)as in PREFACE   

British Columbia

(5)K.S. Weeks1943-7The Royal Engineers B/C detachment, their work in helping to establish B/CCanadian Geographical Journal
(6)Canada 1908 Makers of British Columbia 
(7)The Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette & Cape Horn Chronicle1858-11-6 to
(8)The Royal Engineers Journal1909Jubilee Celebration of the arrival of R.E. in B/C 
(9)British Columbian1863-10-21  
(10)Daily Colonist1930-11-9Mrs. Palmer's Narratives 

Sinai Peninsula

(11) 1869Ordnance Survey of Peninsula of Sinai 
(12)Cambridge Chronicle & University Journal1870-12-10The Great & Terrible Wilderness 
(13)The Times-Review1872-9-26On the Ordnance Survey of Peninsula of Sinai 
(14)Henry Spencer Palmer Ballad - "A virtue rewarded" 
(15)Henry Spencer Palmer SinaiChristian Knowledge Promoting Society


(16)Henry Spancer Palmer Ordnance Survey of the Kingdom, the objects, mode of execution, history and present condition 
(17)A.J. Meadows1874On Transit of Venus 1874Greenwich Observatory

New Zealand

(18)Henry Spancer Palmer1874-1-x
Four letters to Capt. Tupman 
(19)Henry Spencer Palmer1874-4-6
Transit of Venus 1874 by Henry Spencer PalmerThe Times
The Japan Weekly Mail
(20)Henry Spancer Palmer1874-10-3On Transit of VenusThe Lyttleton Times
(21)Henry Spencer Palmer1874-12-9Cable sent to Sir Airy, The Astronomer Royal 


(22)Henry Spencer Palmer1876-1-10Letter to Cap. Tupman 
(23)Henry Spencer Palmer1876-3-20Treatise "On determination of geographical positions in West Indies & Central America" sent to Royal Astronomical Society 
(24)Dictionary of National Biography Pope HennessyOxford University Press
(25)Henry Spencer Palmer1877-8-10Letter to Sir Airy 


(26)Henry Spencer Palmer1881-7-17Memorandum "On the proposal to establish a physical Observatory at Hongkong" 
(27)Henry Spencer Palmer1880-10-6 1881-10-xMemorandum "On the importance of placing the departments of Survey and Astronomy in Japan on a sound scentific footing" to Japanese Government 
(28)Henry Spencer Palmer1882"On Recent Japanese Progress"British Quarterly Review, 1882-July issue.
Ref. Japan Weekly Mail (1882-1-13/20)
(29)NATURE1882Comment on (1882-7-26) 
(30)Henry Spencer Palmer1880-7-30Letter to Sir Airy 
(31)A.J. Meadows1975On Transit of Venus and Airy's retirement"Greenwich Observatory"
(32)Sir Airy1881-8-24Letter to Mrs. Palmer 
(33)Mrs. Palmer1881-12-3Letter to Sir Airy 
(34)Henry Spencer Palmer1882-11-18"The Great Comet of 1882"The Daily Press Hongkong


1. Waterworks

(1)Dictionary of National Biography Henry Spencer PalmerOxford University Press
(2)Japan Weekly Mail1893-2-18The Late Major General Palmer R.E. 
(3)Royal Engineers Journal1893-5-1Obituary Notice of Henry Spencer Palmer 
(4)Royal Astronomical Society1894Henry Spencer PalmerMonthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society (1894-Feb.)
(5) 1882-6-28The Memorial from Yokohama Foreign Residents to Sir Parkes 
(6)Parkes1883-4-17Parkes to Sir Granville, British Foreign SecretaryF.O.No.54
(7)Henry Spencer Palmer1883-4-11Preliminary Report to Oki (Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture on Yokohama Water Supply (Tamagawa Water Source) 
(8)Henry Spencer Palmer1883-5-31Second Report to Oki on Yokohama Water Supply (Sagamigawa Water source) 
(9)Parkes1883-10-20Parkes to Lord GranvilleF.O.104
(10)Letter from Oki to Palmer1884-6-20  
(11)Military Record of Henry Spencer Palmer   
(12)The Japan Weekly Mail1885-2-14on Palmers' incoming arrival to Japan 
(13)Construction of Yokohama Waterworks Palmer's "The New Waterworks"1886-5-15 5-22  
(14)The Japan Weekly Mail1887-10-8, 15, and 22"On the Completion of Yokohama Waterworks" 
(15)Excerpt and minutes of the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers on Waterworks in China and Japan 1890-2-25  
(16)The Japan Weekly Mail1887-12-11"Yokohama Waterworks - comment of Jiji Shimpo 
(17)The Japan Weekly Mail1888-10-20"Water Supply in Japan" 
(18)The Japan Weekly Mail1888-10-29"Another Point about Waterworks" 
(19)Dr. Ohgida On the centenary of Modern Waterworks in Japanthe Journal of Japan Waterworks Association 

2. Harbour Works

(1)The Japan Weekly Mail1887-1-22Palmer's "Liverpool and Yokohama" 
(2)Palmer1887-1-25Palmer's "Report and Estimate of a Project for Constructing a Commercial Harbour in Yokohama" 
(3)Letter from Palmer to Oki1888-5-1asking Oki to recommend to be appointed as Honorary Consulting Engineer attached to the Public Bureau Office of the Ministry for Home Affairs 
(4)The Japan Weekly Mail1889-4-13Palmer's revised plan for Yokohama Harbourworks adopted 
(5)Palmer's design for Yokohama Harbourworks1888-9-6  
(6)The Mainichi1889-1-27  
(7)The Japan Weekly Mail1889-2-9On Mainichi's comment and Palmer's comment on Japanese Cement 
(8)The Japan Weekly Mail1889-6-1Comment on Nippon's article 
(9)The Japan Weekly Mail1889-6-1"On Journalistic Incident" 
(10)The Annals of Yokohama Harbour Works1896  
(11)The Japan Weekly Mail1891-11-14On Mr. Petyt's comment 
(12)Palmer1892-7-6petitioning to Uchimi, Prefectural Governor of Kanagawa for the change of the method of purchase of further cement for Yokohama Harbour 
(13)The Japan Weekly Mail1892-11-19"The Cement Case " 
(14)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1892-11-30On Yokohama Harbourworks 
(15)Tokyo Nichi NIchi Shimbun1893-3-18K. Inouye's reply on the change of method of purchase for further quantity of cement 
(16)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-3-18The Yokohama Harbourworks "Cracks of Blocks for Breakwater Found" 
(17)The Mainichi Shimbun1893-5-2"The Dissolution on Land and Dissolution in the Sea" 
(18)Yubin Hochi Shimbun1893-4-13"Yokohama Harbour Works and the Late Mr. Palmer" 
(19)Mainichi Shimbun1893-5-2"The case of the cracks of the concrete blocks used for Yokohama harbour" 
(20)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-5-13"The Harbour Works" 
(21)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-7-15"Yokohama Harbour Works" 
(22)The Japan Weekly Mail1894-3-17"The Yokohama Harbour Works" 
(23)Proceedings of both Diets1894-5-26 1895-1-19on Yokohama Harbourworks 

3. Docks

(1)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1888-5-10"Shares for Yokohama Dock Company " 
(2)Kogyo Zasshi (Industrial Chronicles)1895-Oct-8Palmer's Design for Yokohama Dock Company 
(3)The Centennial History of Yokohama Dock Company attached to Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd1991  
(4)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1890-5-15"Difficult Delivery of Yokohama Dock Co., due to the Incoming Financial Depression" 
(5)The Japan Weekly Mail1890-11-22"Yokohama Docks" 
(6)The Mainichi Shimbun (The Jiji Shimpo)1891-4-29 (1891-4-30)"Yokohama Docks" 
(7)The Japan Weekly Mail1890-5-9"The Yokohama Docks" 
(8)The Japan Weekly Mail1891-5-23"The Yokohama Docks" 
(9)The Official Bulletin1891-6-4The Charter for establishing Yokohama Dock Company issued by the Prefectural Governor 


(1)The Japan Weekly Mail1891-7-4"Irrigation Works in Hyogo-Ken" 

5. Oji Government Paper Mill

(1)The Japan Weekly Mail1887-6-25"For clarification and filtration of water from the nearby brook for Oji Paper Mill designed and superintended by Palmer" 


(1)F.V. Dickins1894The Biography of Parkes 


(1)The Daily News, London1884-1-22Palmer's “Our Commercial Relations with Japan" 
(2)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1884-3-12/14Translated (1) in Japanese  
(3)Hochi Shimbun1884-5-7/8Translated (1) in Japanese 
(4)The Times1884-6-9Palmer's "The Capitulations in Japan" 
(5)The Times leader for (4) 
(6)The Tokyo Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun1884-7-29Commented (4) in Japanese 
(7)K. Inouye, Japanese Foreign Minister A letter to Palmer in England 


(1)Kawase, Japanese Minister in London  A Cable to K. Inouye  
(2)The History of The Times1947  
(3)Palmer's letter to The Times1885-6-19"England's Policy in Japan" 
(4)The Times1885-8-19Leader on (3) 
(5)Mr. Watson's letter to The Times1885-8-22on (3) 
(6)The London and China ExpressDate unknown"Diplomatic Cooperation in Japan" 
(7)Yubin Hochi Shimbun1885-10-11Comment on (3) in Japanese 
(8)The Japan Weekly Mail1885-10-17"Diplomatic Cooperation" 
(9)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1885-11-5/8Comment on (3) 
(10)The Times1885-10-2Palmer's "A New Phase of Japanese Progress" 
(11)The Times1885-12-28Palmer's "Cabinet Changes in Japan" 


(1)The Times1886-1-22Palmer's "The Treaty Problem in Japan" 
(2)The Times Leader on (1) 
(3)Japan Mail's London Correspondent1886-3-12Comment on (1) and (2) 
(4)The London and China ExpressDate unknownComment on (1) and (2)  
(5)The Times1886-4-30Palmer's "An Extradiation Case in Japan" 
(6)The Times1886-6-17Palmer's "Japan's Reformed Polity" 
(7)The Times1886-7-21Palmer's "Treaty Negotiations in Japan" 
(8)The Times1886-8-28Leader on (7) 
(9)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1886-10-12Comment on (7) 


(1)The Times1887-2-5Palmer's "Miyako Odori" 
(2)The Times1887-3-1Palmer's "The Story of an Earthquake" 
(3)The Times1887-4-5Palmer's "England, Germany and Japan" 
(4)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1887-7-2/5Comment on (3) 
(5)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1887-7-6  
(6)The Times1887-4-14Palmer's "Social Problem in Japan" 
(7)The Times1887-5-21Leader on (6) 
(8)The Times1887-8-12Palmer's "A New Phase of Japanese Treaty Revision" 
(9)The Times1887-9-17Leader 
(10)The Times1887-9-29Palmer's "Changes in the Japanese Cabinet" 
(11)The Times1887-UnknownPalmer's "Japanese Politics"  


(1)The Times1888-2-9Palmer's "Japanese Political Progress" 
(2)The Times1888-3-9Palmer's "Japanese Material Progress" 
(3)The Times1888-4-24Palmer's "A Japanese Story from Real Life" 
(4)The Times1888-5-4Palmer's "Japan's New Privy Council" 
(5)The Times1888-7-25Palmer's "The Recent Volcanic Eruption in Japan" 
(6)The Times1888-10-12Palmer's "The Bandaisan Eruption" 
(7)The Japan Weekly Mail1888-10-27"The Lecture on Bandaisan Eruption" (Palmer presided) 
(8)The Times1888-11-6Palmer's“ Shrines of Ise, in Japan"  


(1)The Times1889-2-12Palmer's "The Birthday of a Constitution" 
(2)The Times1889-2-15Palmer's "The Birthday of a Constitution" 
(3)The Times1889-3-11Palmer's "The Treaty Drama in Japan" 
(4)The Times1887-4-19Leader 
(5)The Times1889-6-30Palmer's "England's Position in Japan" 
(6)The Times1889-5-8Palmer's "Japanese Polo" 
(7)The Times1889-7-17Palmer's "Cormorant Fishing in Japan"  
(8)The Times1889-10-22Palmer's "The Shinto Festival of Ise, in Japan" 
(9)The Times1889-10-28Palmer's "Affairs in Japan" 


(1)The Times1890-1-11Palmer's "The Reconstruction of the Japanese Cabinet" 
(2)The Times1890-9-21Palmer's "Japanese Ways" 
(3)The Times1890-11-30Palmer's "The Birthday of Japan's First Parliament" 


(1)The Times1891-2-26Palmer's "The Death and Burial of a Great Japanese Noble" 
(2)The Times1891-4-29Palmer's "Parliamentary Procedures in Japan" 
(3)The Times1891-5-16Palmer's "Parliamentary Reporting in Japan" 
(4)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1891-11-26/7Translated (3) in Japanese 
(5)The Choya Shimbun1891-8-6Commented Palmer's "The Accident of the Russian Crown Prince" 
(6)The Times1891-10-3Palmer's "The Flower Art of the Japanese" 
(7)The Times1891-11-7Palmer's "The Great Japan Earthquake" 


(1)The Times1892-7-15Palmer's "An Incident of Extra Territoriality in Japan" 
(2)The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun1892-7-16"New Example of the Abolition of Consular Jurisdiction" (In Japanese) 
(3)The Times1892-9-24Palmer's "Political Development in Japan" 
(4)The Times1892-10-1Palmer's "Political Situation in Japan" 


(1)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-2-11"The Death of Henry Spencer Palmer" 
(2)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-2-18"The Late Major General Palmer R.E." 
(3)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-3-11"Japan's Attitude towards Treaty Revision" 
(4)Meiji Tenno Ki (The Annals of Emperor Meiji)1893-7-19  


(1)Palmer1881-11-16"A Note on Earth Vibration" At the Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan 
(2)The Japan Weekly Mail1883-4-7"A Meteorology in Japan" 
(3)The Japan Weekly Mail1887-8-19"Recent Solar Eclipse" 
(4)The Times1892-2-2"The Big Earthquake in Japan (Mino/Owari)" 


(1)The Nippon1891-7-3"Foreign engineer keeping himself occupied with the research of Hana-Awase"(In Japanese) 
(2)The Times1892-3-19"A Japanese Fashionable Game of Cards" 
(3)The Japan Weekly Mail1893-2-18"The Late Major-General H.S. Palmer, R.E." 
(4)Diary of Mrs. Utako Hozumi1891-5-3 & 6-19  
(5)Palmer1890-11-21 & 1892-8-7Two Letters from Palmer to his son Harry 
(6)D.S. Wallace of The Times1892-12-12A Letter from D.S. Wallace of The Times to Palmer 


(1)Ms. Woodward1984-6-29A Letter from Ms. Woodward to the National Diet Library 
(2)Mrs. M. Huntley1984-3-8A Letter from Mrs. M. Huntley to J. Higuchi 
(3)Mrs. Vivian1984-6-4A Letter from Mrs. Vivian to Higuchi 

Brief History of H.S. Palmer
